Historical and Spiritual Importance of LiskaLiska has been a significant center of Jewish culture and spirituality since the 19th century, recognized for its deep religious and cultural heritage. Liska has welcomed countless pilgrims through the years, each coming to honor the legacy of Hershele Lisker. Liska’s heritage includes more than 500 J… Read More

Az olaszliszkai zsidó közösségMagyarország számos vidéki zsidó közösségéhez hasonlóan az olaszliszkai zsidók is a 19. századtól kezdve fontos részét képezték a helyi társadalmi életnek. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye északkeleti részén fekv? Olaszliszka évszázadokon át a zsidó és nem-zsidó lakosság békés együttél�… Read More

Every year, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews visit Olaszliszka, or Liska as the local Jewish community names it, a charming hideaway in Hungary.The uniqueness of Liska Jewish Cemetery lies in its role as a sacred space for tradition and dedicated faith. The holy grave of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Friedman, or as the community calls him: "Hershel Lisker"… Read More

Liska: Where Greatness Finds Its HomeThis was the home and study place of Kerestir Rebbe Steiner Sajele.Rebbe Steiner Sajele of Kerestir studied in Liska at the home of Reb Hershele Friedmann, where he immersed himself in profound Torah knowledge and wisdom. This wisdom set him on his profound journey of dedication to the community.The epicenter of… Read More

In the northeast of Hungary, there's a small village known as Olaszliszka, or Liska. Despite its appearance as a typical rural settlement, Olaszliszka bears great importance to tens of thousands of Orthodox Hasidic Jews, who annually embark on a pilgrimage to this unassuming village. The reason behind this influx of visitors is the holy grav… Read More